14 Jan

JAN 29 / Children’s Film Festival – Bay Area International

Chabot Space & Science Center and the Bay Area International Children’s Film Festival have joined forces to present the 8th annual Playdate for the Imagination™ where education and imagination collide. BAICFF celebrates the moveable melody of the figure 8 with a Movement and Music theme. These two inseparable aspects of cinema and childhood will be explored and showcased with special performances, film screenings and events that ignite the imagination for a truly memorable kinetic experience.

This is what SF/Arts curator Laura Fraenza had to say about Bay Area International Children’s Film Festival :

“This mid-winter “playdate for the imagination” goes beyond the usual film festival. The day-long event encourages creativity by engaging kids in animation workshops, talks with young local filmmakers and a diverse range of films, including Academy Award winners like Pixar’s “Wall-E and animated shorts from Europe, Asia and South America. Some films created in the workshops end up on the big screen. “